Aktuální kurs | 1 eur / Kč |25,05610.3.-16.3.2025
Týdenní dopočty kovůCuAl
Bázová cena | eur/100 kg |150,00150,00
Aktuální cena | eur/100 kg |
Aktuální dopočet | eur/kg |7,741,73
Aktuální kurs | 1 eur / Kč |24,965 Kč 12.3.2025
Denní dopočty kovůCuAl
Bázová cena | eur/100 kg |150,00150,00
Aktuální cena | eur/100 kg |
Aktuální dopočet | eur/kg |7,641,73
  • Metalické kabely
  • Signální


...x1x0.9 (1.4; 1.8) S LG (...Cu/2B 0....) (H95; H115; H145)


Copper wire


Core insulation – solid PE


 Plastic tape


PE inner jacket, black


Anti-induction protection copper wires


Stell armour tape


PE outer jacket, black

Cable core – conductors stranded in concetric layers


Dlk. 1.013.107y, Dlk. 1.013.108y, Dlk. 1.013.110y


» general use in protective devices
» as underground and counduit cables
» use in areas with danger of electromagnetic field

Environmental conditions

Temperature ranges for laying and assembly –10 °C  to +60 °C
Operation and store temperatures – 40 °C to +60 °C
Permitted minimum bending radius min. 20D
Cable lifetime min. 30 years

D – outside cable diameter

Electrical parameters (20 °C)

Conductor diametermm0.91.41.8
Max. loop resistanceΩ/km28.911.97.2
Insulation resistance min.GΩ.km101010
Effective test voltage wire/wire at 50 HzV250025002500
Effective test voltage wire/shield at 50 HzV250025002500
Operating voltageVss600600600

Value of reduction according to Dlk. 1.013.110y – type code RKZ 601, 602

Wire/core diameter H145 1.4/2.2 mm Wire/core diameter H145 1.8/2.7 mm
Number of units External diameter [mm] Net weight [kg/km] Standard production length [m] External diameter [mm] Net weight [kg/km] Standard production length [m]
RKZ 401
50 38.0 3,630 500
80 37.0 3,500 500 44.0 4,850 500
120 42.0 4,570 500 51.0 6,410 500
160 47.0 5,550 500 56.0 7,910 250
200 51.0 6,460 500 61.0 9,300 250
Wire/core diameter H95 1.4/2.7 mm Wire/core diameter H95 1.8/3.4 mm
Number of units External diameter [mm] Net weight [kg/km] Standard production length [m] External diameter [mm] Net weight [kg/km] Standard production length [m]
RKZ 401
50 38.0 3,180 1,000 44.0 4,230 500
RKZ 403
30 32.0 2,350 1,000 37.0 3,100 1,000
Wire/core diameter H145 1.4/2.2 mm Wire/core diameter H145 1.8/2.7 mm
Number of units External diameter [mm] Net weight


Standard production length


External diameter [mm] Net weight


Standard production length


RKZ 403
50 32.0 2,620 1,000 31.0 2,560 1,000
Wire/core diameter H95 1.4/2.7 mm
Number of units External diameter [mm] Net weight [kg/km] Standard production length [m]
RKZ 501
10 22.0 990 1,000
Wire/core diameter H145 1.4/2.2 mm Wire/core diameter H145 1.8/2.7 mm Wire/core diameter H95 1.8/3.6 mm
Number of units External diameter [mm] Net weight


Standard production length


External diameter [mm] Net weight


Standard production length


External diameter [mm] Net weight


Standard production length


RKZ 502
50 42.0 3,240 500
80 41.0 3,860 500
120 40.0 3,610 500 48.0 5,290 500
160 44.0 4,470 500 54.0 6,660 250
200 48.0 5,320 500 59.0 7,960 250
Wire/core diameter H115 0.9/1.5 mm
Number of units External diameter [mm] Net weight


Standard production length


RKZ 503
160 34.0 2,430 1,000
200 36.0 2,810 1,000
Wire/core diameter H95 1.4/2.7 mm Wire/core diameter H95 1.8/3.4 mm
Number of units External diameter [mm] Net weight


Standard production length


External diameter [mm] Net weight


Standard production length


RKZ 504
10 25.0 1,220 1,000
14 24.0 1,130 1,000 27.0 1,430 1,000
20 27.0 1,360 1,000 30.0 1,760 1,000
30 30.0 1,680 1,000 34.0 2,250 1,000
50 35.0 2,300 1,000
Wire/core diameter H115 0.9/1.5 mm Wire/core diameter H145 1.4/2.2 mm Wire/core diameter H145 1.8/2.7 mm
Number of units External diameter [mm] Net weight


Standard production length


External diameter [mm] Net weight


Standard production length


External diameter [mm] Net weight


Standard production length


RKZ 504
10 17.0 610 1,000 20.0 840 1,000 22.0 1,050 1,000
20 18.0 770 1,000 23.0 1,150 1,000 27.0 1,540 1,000
30 21.0 940 1,000 25.0 1,420 1,000 30.0 1,930 1,000
50 24.0 1,220 1,000 30.0 1,960 1,000 35.0 2,730 1,000
80 27.0 1,560 1,000 34.0 2,650 1,000
120 31.0 2,020 1,000
RKZ 601
10 17.0 540 1,000 19.0 740 1,000 22.0 950 1,000
20 22.0 1,040 1,000
30 20.0 830 1,000 29.0 1,770 1,000
50 23.0 1,090 1,000 34.0 2,550 1,000
160 53.0 6,350 500
RKZ 602
20 18.0 690 1,000 26.0 1,400 1,000
30 25.0 1,290 1,000
50 29.0 1,790 1,000
80 26.0 1,410 1,000 34.0 2,470 1,000 40.0 3,620 500
120 30.0 1,850 1,000 39.0 3,370 500 48.0 5,010 500
160 33.0 2,250 1,000 44.0 4,210 500
200 35.0 2,630 1,000 47.0 5,040 500 58.0 7,600 250

Ostatní signální kabely